Monday, November 19, 2012

{Home Video}: Playing with Partner, Shadow, and Emma

I miss her extra bad today.  :(

On a stormy rainy day, like today, I would've most likely made a statement like "ugh, it's icky out, what are we going to do?" and she would've responded, as she did many times, with "it's not icky, Mama.  The flowers get to take a drink today!"  (no, I did not teach her to say that...she came up with it on her own....perfection.  I swear to you, she was positive about everything.).  And then we would've played inside with her friends, like this:

(age 4ish...sometime in 2012)


  1. I miss these moments so much...just spending a day together doing little of nothing together, playing with dinos, laying on the couch watching Backyardigans, eating lunch together, stories at naptime (a favorite), and then the few times I got to go wake Vienne up before I would leave and she would open her eyes and smile, exclaiming "Grammy!" How I miss all of that...our days together.

  2. Love this! My daughter loves watching and learning about Vienne. I wish we could have met her. Xoxo

    1. I'm not sure who this is, but I wish you could've met her too. Thank you for taking a moment to say something.

  3. Sometimes, I read your posts but I can't get myself to watch the video(s) right away. It's kinda hard, and I've never met her. She is so sweet and beautiful. Just so gentle. I have to coerce my children into "talking" to the camera too :) You are a really great mom. Truly, truly. Hugs.

    1. Thank you so much for such kind supportive words. Every ounce of support means so much. Just knowing I'm not is huge.
